DETAILS: Winter 2016: Walks
DETAIL: Winter 2016: Walks (IN PROGRESS) - My fingerprints are seen here.
In this work in progress, I'm giving visual form to a theme I've never actually seen with my own eyes: my faith.
I am a Christian and I feel I have a deep and personal relationship with my God. Much like in other deep relationships, I sometimes allow myself to float from my beloved.
In Winter 2016, I was bitter over a relentlessly painful twisted pelvis causing life altering, sometimes bed-ridden pain for almost two years. The best parts of my day alone would sometimes be the walks I took. At such times, I allowed myself to feel empowered in my physical progress and I allowed myself to feel the presence of an entity that I could not see or feel.
The challenge of creating this piece is not only to create a visual language for what is unseen, but to reflect a recurring experience rather than a singular moment. I am trying to distill a certain feeling I had repeatedly through changing seasons rather than a single occurrence.
These memories are all very personal and the frames of images create a different narrative for me than they would create for any other viewer. I like the idea that my fingerprints literally create some of this imagery. I create finger paint "washes" in these progress photos.